Poverty headcount ratio at societal poverty line

% of population



Organisation:World Bank
Publication:Poverty: Poverty rates
Details:The poverty headcount ratio at societal poverty line is the percentage of a population living in poverty according to the World Bank's Societal Poverty Line. The Societal Poverty Line is expressed in purchasing power adjusted 2017 U.S. dollars and defined as max($2.15, $1.15 + 0.5*Median). This means that when the national median is sufficiently low, the Societal Poverty line is equivalent to the extreme poverty line, $2.15. For countries with a sufficiently high national median, the Societal Poverty Line grows as countries’ median income grows.
Last Updated:Monday, October 28, 2019
Download Page:https://data.worldbank.org
Download Url:https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.SOPO?locations=CG
Period:1963 - 2023
Date Accessed: Sunday, July 7, 2024